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[TEMPLATE] ZuWell Validation Interview


This interview template serves to learn how pop-up village hosts think about well-being of their residents, choice of locations, and general challenges while planning their pop-up.

[ZuWell Intro]

ZuWell is an environmental well-being compass for pop-up cities and pop-up villages. It aims to solve/prevent the following problems:
Negative environmental influence on physical and mental well-being of pop-up village residents
Gaps in awareness of pop-up village organizers on how they might improve location/venue curation process and the overall experience of their citizens
Inefficient feedback mechanisms that the residents could use to voice environmental factors that influence their experience


General Questions

Briefly about you (the host) - life and work experiences, locations, interests...
Who are other members of your team?
What motivated you to start a ZuVillage?
Have you ran similar event/village? Give a brief description.
At what stage is your event at the moment. (stage 0 ideation, 1 fundraising location finding, 2. location set organizing partnership continue fundraising, 3.down to event details 4. on-going 5. just finished 6. finish and reflected )
What is the intention behind your upcoming ZuVillage, specific topic, etc?
What kind of experience you want to provide to your residents?
What is important to you when it comes to location?
How are you (or will be) looking for the right location and venue(s)?
What are the challenges you and your team are experiencing as hosts?
What gives you most stress or anxiety in planning the pop-up?
What are you doing about it now?

ZuWell Compass-Related Questions

For each of the criteria below, please describe features of your pop-up village. Note any interesting details, or improvements you might want to implement to account for the currently missing aspects.

🏝️ Neighborhood

Access to nature (parks, hikes, water bodies)
Access to heritage sites
Clean air
Environmental noise (streets, construction, etc)
Access to viewpoints
Availability of healthy and diverse food
Exercise facilities
Integration with the local community (contribution, damage, etc)
Access to art & culture
Access to playful spaces

Social aspects

Possibilities for eating together
Scenario provider
Security (physical, emotional)
People trying to sneak in

🛖 Venue(s)

Productive spaces
Chill-out and connection spaces
Stable and uncensored internet connection
Natural light
Indoor airflow
Quality artificial lighting (e.g. no white lights in the evenings)
Sustainability conscious
No toxic materials or mold
(if accommodation is provided) Privacy & sound-proofing

Resident Interaction & Feedback

What questions/feedback did you get from residents?
How do you plan to observe people’s experiences in the pop-up? (If at all)
How do you plan to collect feedback on residents’ experience? (If at all)

Closing Questions

Anything we didn’t get to cover that is worth mentioning?
Anyone else we could talk with to understand more about yours or other pop-up villages?


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